• How to protect snapper eggs?


    We found a momma snapping turtle laying her eggs on our property what should we do to protect them until they hatch?

    Naturalist's Response

    How awesome! I myself have seen females laying eggs every spring, but it never gets old. What a spectacular Nature sighting!

    Thank you for wanting to do what you can to help the success of the hatchlings. I would definitely advise you to use a wire-type mesh to cover the top of the soil of the area where the eggs were laid. Secure it with large either rocks or deep stakes to prevent predators like raccoons from digging up the nest and having an egg meal. The sooner you do this the better, as the scent from the mother is still on the nest area. Then you can remove the mesh probably in a month or two. Hatching generally takes about 80-90 days, but can vary depending on temperature and environmental conditions. The hatchlings usually emerge in August through October.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Naturalist Nora Sindelar