• What kind of snake did I see?


    I recently saw a black snake with white rings, about 4ish feet long, in a lower tree in my back yard in Bainbridge. I didn't have my phone so I didn't get a picture. Not sure exactly what it is, king snake? Thanks

    Naturalist's Response

    Thanks for posting your observation!

    Our #1 suspect is Pantherophis spiloides, the snake that books call a “gray ratsnake,” and that most Ohioans call a “black ratsnake.”

    They’re the dark-colored, tree-dwelling snakes that are typically the size of a garden hose, and up to six feet long.  Ratsnakes are non-venomous constrictors that hunt in the trees, seeking out rodents, birds, eggs, frogs, and just about anything that they can swallow.

    When they’re young, they can have a variety of markings ranging from white to gray to black.  Here’s a terrific set of photos from Marshall University comparing the appearance of the multi-colored juveniles to a solid-black adult.

    Based on your size estimate (about four feet long) and description of the color, I’d guess that you’re sharing your backyard with a juvenile ratsnake.

    See if it will “hang around” for a photo!

    -Naturalist Chris Mentrek